На данной странице собраны познавательные стихи на английском языке для 9 класса, которые познакомят малышей и школьников с удивительными стихами на английском языке.

Стихи на английском языке для 9 класса

По Лондону шёл cat, 
Cat приобрёл hat 
И возвращался в house, 
Мяукая “Mouse – Мяус”. 
В Англии даже киски 
Мяукают по–английски: 
Дом – house, 
Мышь – Mouse 
Кот – Cat, 
Шляпа – Hat...
I'm a Brand new Daddy
I'm a brand new daddy,
Proud as I can be
Of this little darling
Right in front of me.
You're so different from the rest.
Daddy knows that he's been blessed
With the very, very best
Wonder in the world.
Daddy will be here
Everything to both of us is so new.
As you learn about the world
I learn about you,
There's no need to fear.
Daddy will be here,
And I'll love and care for you
Through the years.
There was an old woman
Who lived under a hill,
She put a mouse in a bag,
And sent it to the mill.
The miller did swear
By point of his knife,
He never took toll
Of a mouse in his life.
Robin the Bobbin.
the big-bellied Ben,
He ate more meat
than fourscore men;
He ate a cow,
he ate a calf,
He ate a butcher
and a half,
He ate a church,
he ate a steeple,
He ate a priest 
and all the people!
A cow and a calf,
An ox and a half,
A church and a steeple,
And all good people,
And yet he complained
that his stomach wasn't full.
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Стихи на английском языке для 9 класса