На данной странице собраны познавательные стихи про войну на английском языке, которые познакомят малышей и школьников с удивительными стихами на английском языке.

Стихи про войну на английском языке

Fire flickers in wood burning stove
Drops of tar look like somebody cries
The accordion sings song of love,
It’s about your smile and your eyes.
In the fields under Moscow, the grass
Whispered calling your name in my ear
I would like you to hear for once
How my voice sounds and longs for you here..
You are currently far, far away.
Vast of snow is between you and me
It’s not easy to reach you. No way.
Whereas death is as close as can be.
Sing, accordion, in spite of the storm,
Bring me happiness from up above.
In the chilly dugout it’s warm
From my burning perpetual love.
Angels I thought up, - upon my word!-
Have come down to see us in this world.
All the distances have shortened right away
And there were no partings from that day.
In the family somebody said: “Good luck!
The political commander has come back.”
As if someone sprinkled him with holy
Water, on the front-line way and that,
So his spouse might not be a lonely
Widow and his son might have his dad.
As the enemy of grief and separation,
Loving all my friends I stretched my hand
Of my cordial help and mitigation
Saying: «Keep on living, dear man!”
Now he sits among us. An example
And a living lesson for us all,
Thrice- recipient of an award, the sample
Of a safe and sound missing soul.
He is sitting, very quiet and serious,
Not concealing he’s a happy one
While the kin look almost in religious
Awesome veneration at the man.
It was simple: in the open country
He was lying. It was very dark.
From the loss of blood he bluntly
Fainted dead away, but as good luck
Soldiers perish to the sound of music,
When it’s time for them to pass away
Angels learn, to everyone’s amusement,
With success harmonica to play.
(We admit, that we are somewhat crafty, -
At last hour, we manage in some way,
Totally denying God Almighty,
To keep angels for a rainy day).
We do not need paradise and heaven!
All we want is the dawning of the time
When the righteous man will live for ever,
That is grow and live and never die.
What we want is tell the generation
All the proper words we want to say
As a fairy tale, versification,
All the magic that we have to-day.
So that the hard times, reduced to zero,
Might not be on us a heavy plight…
But let us now go back to our hero
For we are his dearest gusts tonight.
He has paid with blood for everything,
He is back, and he is with his wife at night
And the angels which I have invented
Hover over him by his bedside.
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Стихи про войну на английском языке