На данной странице собраны познавательные стихи про дружбу на английском языке, которые познакомят малышей и школьников с удивительными стихами на английском языке.

Стихи про дружбу на английском языке

With A Friend
I can talk with a friend
and walk with a friend
and share my umbrella in the rain
I can play with a friend
and stay with a friend
and learn with a friend
and explain
I can eat with a friend
and compete with a friend
and even sometimes disagree
I can ride with a friend
and take pride with a friend
A friend can mean so much to me!
You are my best friend,
My very best friend,
You make me happy, Everyday,
You share your great snacks,
You share your best toys,
So please donъt take
My best friend away.
I cannot ease your aching heart,
Nor take your pain away, 
But let me stay and take your hand 
And walk with you today! 
I’ll listen when you need to talk;
I’ll wipe away your tears 
I’ll share your worries when they come; 
I’ll help you face your fears. 
I’m here and I will stand by you, 
Each hill you have to climb, 
So take my hand, let’s face the world;
Live one day at a time! 
You’re not alone, for I’m still here. 
I’ll go that extra mile, 
And when your grief is easier, 
I’ll help you learn to smile
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Стихи про дружбу на английском языке